Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's been awhile

Not a whole lot has been going on. We do have pictures of what has been happening. We are looking to see if we are able to buy a house. So if we do we will be posting pictures. I had a new niece from my older brother born a little over a week ago there are some pictures of her also. Levi will be 13 in 3 days, we will have a moody teenager. Already getting some of the attitude. My birthday is in a month from today. Christmas is coming soon hopefully we will post some pictures.
Baby Katherine

Dylan seeing Santa
Dylan seeing Santa
Cameron seeing Santa
Russ's nephew went on a Mission and we had a family picture (Russ's Family) taken the day of his farewell party.
Cameron had a field trip. This is him and his group pulling a handcart.
Cameron on his field trip